Sunday, December 27, 2009

mumm-ra: she's got you high

500 days of summer.

stupidstupid love movie thing.

now i am desperately inspired.

set daydreaming to full speed.

set the vast spaces between my ears

and eyes to utter blue and blackness.

bright lights.

violent lashes.

tickticktick my skin from now till then.

my lips and hands.

a grand orchestra of misunderstanding.

out of time but inside the lines.


Sunday, December 20, 2009

radiohead: let down

are you alone?

i hear you're this sad, sad song.

and what is dying in your eyes

i've been looking for all my life.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

pedro the lion: options

odd glances from the 6 sisters dressed in dresses

that just walked into the library with matching jackets.

maybe because i am oddly glancing myself.

i've been moving forwards lately.

onwards and over and through:

as soft pulsings against my hollowness, echo inside me.

i want my eyes. widened. like the ring of a bell.

ears opened like a burned down house.

i am drifting through a wall of sound.

too loud to hear. too quiet too feel.
