Wednesday, September 15, 2010

gregory & the hawk: fin song 8

lookbook can really depressing.

positives: i have a cat now. his real name is jones, but brennan and i call hi jonsi. he doesnt seem to mind it. he says goodmorning and welcome back from work. i've always wanted a cat.
man, this is really boring.

negatives: i feel like im waiting for something to happen. maybe its next year. maybe next week. or maybe its just fall. fall is just the decaying space between summer and winter. the smell of rot is everywhere right now. i love it.
joel says it smells like feet. i think it smells like 12 years old walking through the woods with a rusted machete and a bbgun, slitted sunshine running like shooting stars across his face as he searches for the miniature movements of small rodents and listens to his pulse slowing to match that of the trees' stretching like tributary veins under his feet. chill reddening his cheeks to rosehip blush. the chill means you're alive. the cold in the lungs. the breaking of day and leaves. sight and sound and sensation. death decay and a displacement of rusted light by birch trunks.

the past is endlessly one thing and everything at once. 21 years is a single moment.

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